To the little one living and growing in my belly, Life has not always gone as expected, but our dream and prayer for you never faded. Extremely grateful to become your momma and cannot wait to meet you. This mom and dad are already so in love with you. See you in November little one!


Baby Boy King at 17 weeks and 4 days

About baby and the due date

  • * Zodiac Sign: Scorpio * Half Birthday: May 4 * Birthstone: Yellow Topaz * Birth Flower: Chrysanthemum or Chrysanthemum * Your baby will be born in the Chinese Year of The White Metal Rabbit * Your baby will start kindergarten in 2017, be old enough to drive a car in 2027, finish high school in 2030, and will graduate from college with the class of 2034, give or take a year.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dr. Visits

March 30, 11 (8 1/2 weeks): 1st ultrasound with pics, no weight gain, mom and baby are doing good, baby's heartbeat: 162 bpm

In this picture the legs are on the left, head is on the right.

April 27, 2011 (12 weeks, 6 days):  no weight gain again which is odd since everything is definitely getting larger.  Had to have an ultrasound to hear the baby's heartbeat.  The dopplar wouldn't pick it up.  It did pick up the fact that I had not had enough to eat today.  I was starving and eating like crazy during the first trimester, but now I'm not hungry at all.  Baby does have a heartbeat after all (150 bpm) so that is encouraging.  Sonographer commented that this baby was moving around a lot and did not want to sit still to be photographed or for her to get the heartbeat easily.  I wonder what this means as he (yes, I think it is a boy) gets bigger?  I asked the dr. about fish oil pills and probiotics and she said definitely no to the fish oil because they can interfere with the prenatal vitamins.  Very confusing considering everything I read said baby needs omega-3's.  Probiotics got the thumbs up though. 
In this pic, head is on the left, legs on the right

May 26, 2011 (16 weeks 6 days) gained 2 pounds.  Baby's heart rate was 146 bpm.  Blood pressure was up:  141/71.  I have always had perfect blood pressure.   Asked dr. about not being hungry and getting full off just a few bites.  She said that it is normal and it will change as the uterus shifts.  I wasn't aware it moved around in there.  I also asked her about going natural with no drugs.  She said I just need to let the hospital know as soon as I get there but to be open to using drugs if needed.  I take it she does not believe in a woman's capability to birth children without drugs so much.  Something she said also made me think that she won't necessarily be the one in the delivery room, but I didn't catch it until I was leaving.  I will have to ask her about it next time.  We'll see what we decide once the hospital and birthing center tour is complete.  I had to make my next appt with a dr. in their north arlington location because my location's sonogram equipment will be down for a month, so I get to see another dr and get another peak if this child is a boy or girl.  I was offered down's syndrome testing and testing for something else today, which I declined.  While I want to know if it is a boy or girl now (right now), anything else can be found out in the delivery room.  There is very little I can do now if this little one has health problems.

June 22, 2011 (20 weeks, 5 days) up 11 pounds total.  Crazy!!!!  Belly is growing quite a bit.  For now you probably have quite a bit of room in there, but I'm sure it won't be that way for long.  Saw the dr. today.  Had to see dr. dias in N. Arlington for another sonogram.  This was a long sonogram.  I got to watch you for awhile.  The tech measured all 2000 body parts and made sure all your veins were there.  You were perfect.  So far they think you are 8.9 inches long and 14 oz, so exactly on track.  My blood pressure is back to normal 110/83, but the dr. thinks my placenta is laying on my cervix.  All that means is that we pray it relocates to a better spot before you are ready to meet the world.  It also means I get to see you on a sonogram in another 8 weeks when they check again. 

You had just hit yourself in the head, the tech caught your hand as you were jerking it back down. 

Your little foot.

July 20, 2011 (24 weeks, 5 days) up 18 pounds total.  Your heart rate this time was 142 and she said my belly measurement was perfect!  My blood pressure and all my labs are good.  We are getting so close to meeting you.   I asked about my swollen ankles and left arm pain.  She said it is just the TX heat (in the 100's for several days now, very hot summer this year) and sleeping wrong.  Next appointment is a glucose test and sonogram.  Dad is going to the next appointment with us so we can see you again together. 

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